Monday 15 April 2013

Travel & Fitness

Hello everyone,

How are you all doing? I hope you had a great weekend and looking forward to an amazing week. I was recently contacted by a fellow blogger, Mike and he wanted me to share his article with you guys. He blogs about living a healthy lifestyle all around from eating the right food, exercising to having a positive mental attitude about life in general. The post is based on staying fit while travelling to reduce stress levels and tensions associated with long car rides and trips. I like this article because it gives tips on what to do when on the road to keep our fitness game on. Here is the link to his blog and I hope you enjoy this post, thank you.

The Key to Fitness While Traveling

Many careers today require that people travel as part of their work-related duties.  Traveling for business can afford people many benefits like meeting new people and taking on new experiences.  However, individuals who travel frequently for work also risk gaining a lot of weight and becoming inactive if they do not keep up their fitness regimens.  Remaining fit while traveling does not have to be a challenge or require more effort than working out at home.  Planning for exercise and being aware of fitness accommodations prior to taking a  a journey can help travelers remain committed to their personal wellness.    

The first step professionals can take before traveling is researching hotels that offer fitness rooms or exercise equipment for guests’ use.  Many national hotel chains make these amenities available.  Most offer fitness rooms equipped with a variety of workout necessities, including weights, stair climbing machines, and treadmills. Doing a little research before booking a hotel can go a long way. On a recent trip to Las Vegas I scoured the Internet in order to find hotels that fit my personality that were still in my price range. I did this by checking reviews sites for the  top Las Vegas hotel thus providing me with actually commentary on the amenities in each hotel. This made my trip much more enjoyable because it was very easy to get my exercise routine done. Other more exclusive hotels make such amenities available in guests’ rooms.  

Travellers can research what exercise equipment will be available on their next visit to the hotel and book their rooms accordingly. People can also consider what fitness options are available to them in the cities to which they will journey and also looking into nature trails, parks, and other public facilities that allow people to walk, jog, or workout in these areas.  This option can appeal to people who like to enjoy the open, natural environment instead of a closed gym.

When people travel, however, the last thing on their mind tends to be exercising.  They are more focused on making deadlines, giving good presentations, making deals, and communicating with their workplace than working out and staying fit.  However, making time for exercise can be imperative if professionals want to remain committed to their workout regimen that they practice at home.  Spending time away from home makes it easy for people to abandon established habits, including exercising.  People get caught up with this break from routine and the enjoyment that goes along with it.  Even so, they often return home to discover that picking up their exercise regimen where they left off can be a challenge, if not impossible.  This challenge can be avoided if people find the time to work out while they are out of town.

Abandoning exercise also tends to be accompanied by forgetting good dietary habits.  Travellers often like to indulge in treats that normally would be off limits at home.  While an occasional treat or even indulgent meal may pose no harm to someone on a steady fitness program, people who fail to exercise after their indulging stand to gain weight that will be difficult to lose later.  To avoid weight gain, travellers should remain on a healthy diet.  Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables will satisfy their appetites better than sweets and sodas.  People should also look for low fat and low calorie food choices.

I would like to know your thoughts on this article and would also appreciate if you guys can share some experiences relating to this. Please do not forget to enter the contest. It ends on the 19th of April. Thank you for stopping by.

Until next time guys,
Its not Miss Bee, its mummy..xx

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