Tuesday 4 June 2013

Weight loss journey series: Tega's weight loss story

Hello everyone, 

How is the week going? I hope you all are doing great. It is a weight loss journey series day and I am excited to share Tega's story with you. For me, weight loss is about changing your eating habits and letting it become a part of you not something you leave and pick up again when the pounds are adding up. I love Tega's story because she adopted this style and it worked for her. I knew Tega back in university during my undergrad days and she was one of the people that inspired me to lose weight. Her weight loss was dramatic and I admired her drive towards her journey. Please enjoy her story.

Tega in 2008

What inspired you to lose weight:
  • I was always a chubby and heavy child. Never really cared, because I embody the ideology that my body should never define me. My breaking point was in the summer of 2009 when I added 25 pounds after my 1st year of university. I woke up one morning and I just decided that I had was tired of the excess weight. My initial plan was to lose the 25 pounds, but I just realized that once I started caring about my diet and working out I felt so much better.

Tega in 2009, 25 pounds heavier

What did you do to lose weight: 
  •  I went to the gym in the mornings and stopped eating after 7 or 8pm. If I ever ate after those times I watched what I ate.  If I couldn’t make it in the morning I went during the afternoon or in the evening. I tried never to miss a gym allocated day. I went to the gym three to  four times a week. I always switched my workout routine and diet once my body refused to drop weight, because after the first 20 pounds are off your weight loss may not be as rapid as you want it.  It took a total of 5 months to lose about 60 pounds and I have kept it off since then.

Tega in 2010, after she began her journey into adopting a change of lifestyle

Tega in 2011 still on her lifestyle change

How do you feel now and how are you keeping the weight off:
  • I feel awosome, I am more active and the best part is I can shop anywhere now and wear anything I want. I work out regularly  and eat healthy.

Tega in 2012, still maintaining her weight 

What are some of the challenges you faced :
  • Toning up is the hardest part of weight loss because you have to make sure you eat right unless you will only lose more weight instead of toning up.  Being consistent was a challenge because I stopped working out as often and this made me fluctuate in weight a couple of times.

                                         Tega in 2013, 3 years after and she looks amazing!

P.S:  Think of weight loss as a change of life style and not as something temporary.

I am sure Tega's pictures speak for itself and I do not need to do anymore typing. A big thank you to Tega for sharing her story with us and inspiring others out there to begin their journey towards adopting a change of lifestyle. Please feel free to email me your story at santedelavie@gmail.com and I will be more than happy to share it with everyone. Thanks for stopping by guys.

Until next time,
Its not Miss Bee, its mummy...xxx


  1. Oh wow, good work Tega, you look Amazing.

  2. Wow... Tega is right though. It has to be a life style change.
    Still on my journey. Cant wait for my story to be up here.

  3. that is awesome, Tega looks great.

  4. I know this storyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
    I saw part of it happen :)
    Good job Tega!

  5. Thank you guys for the comments..Tega does look great and she is doing a great job keeping the weight off. @sirius, I would be more than happy to feature your story once you are ready.

  6. Amazing work Tega,i can testify to the weight loss. Am proud of you.


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