Wednesday 19 June 2013

Managing your sugar intake

Hello everyone,

How is it going? I hope you all are doing great. It makes me happy seeing people who are conscious of their health and are determined to make a lifestyle change. It even motivates me more to improve on things I need to do to make sure I am about the healthy life.

I came across an article in the local newspaper and it was based on managing sugar intake. The tips were short and straight to the point. I thought there was no other way to share this information than to start with my awesome readers. So here you go!

Choose whole grains:
  • Overwhite breads, white rice, and processed and refined carbohydrates digest quickly in the body and can cause rapid fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Whole grains, starchy vegetables and legumes provide fibre and break down more slowly in the body sustaining blood glucose levels.

Watch out for hidden sources of sugar: 
  • Some healthy foods like yoghurt and oat meal may contain added sugars. Choose plain varieties of yoghurt or oatmeal then add honey or brown sugar. 

P.S:The article recommended adding sweetener but I am not a fan, never have and never will be. It has some side effects which I would discuss in another post.

Beware of beverages:
  • According to statistics Canada report, beverages account for 35 percent of the daily sugar intake for adults. Limit intake of these.

Don't skip meals:
  • Your blood sugar levels could drop to a pilot that may encourage cravings for or bringing on sugary foods. If this happens, you can help curb cravings by eating a piece of fruit.

I would like to know what other tips you guys have in managing your sugar intake. Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time,
Its not Miss Bee, its mummy...xx

Article culled from winnipeg metro, the weekend June 7-9, 2013 edition.


  1. So have you completely cut out white bread and white rice?

    1. Yes I have. I shuffle between basmati rice and brown rice, but eat only whole wheat bread.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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