Saturday, 14 September 2013

Drop Coin for Change 2013

Hello everyone,
My friend Dammy who is the brain behind Dudunorth is running a social campaign for Nigeria Independence day 'drop coin for change' which I think is very innovative. Please find the details on how to enter the campaign below and click on the link to visit her website, thank you.
I am writing to request a post on my social campaign, 'Drop Coin For Change'. It is a campaign geared towards supporting a Nigerian business owner, in financial distress. The participant is expected to be a permanent resident of Nigeria, with a monthly income, less than N160,000.
Please find more information here:
I would really appreciate it if you shared it on your blog/website/Facebook page and/or with any other sites that you feel may be applicable.
To learn more about Dudunorth itself, here is a brief video:
Much Appreciation!

1 comment:

Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate all of your support. I would like for you to share your thoughts with me...